I often wonder who came up with the world "DISABLED". I mean, which 'able bodied' person thought it was a good idea? I wonder if they consulted anyone who had special needs and asked their thoughts on the topic (my guess is no).
How we identify ourselves is critical to the way the world views us.
Labelling people based on what they can't do or what's missing is plainly wrong and outmoded.
I love the work that was ceated for the "International Day of People with a Disability". Sure they refer to the word "disability" but they flipped its meaning on its head through the campaign:
Don't Dis-my-Ability
Empowered. Succinct. Positive.
I love.
How we identify ourselves is critical to the way the world views us.
Labelling people based on what they can't do or what's missing is plainly wrong and outmoded.
I love the work that was ceated for the "International Day of People with a Disability". Sure they refer to the word "disability" but they flipped its meaning on its head through the campaign:
Don't Dis-my-Ability
Empowered. Succinct. Positive.
I love.