I fell in love with Positive Exposure the first time I laid eyes on it.
Positive Exposure is a US non-profit arts organisation whoseo mission is to positively promote people who live with genetic difference. They also work to educate medical professionals, students and the public. It was founded by Rick Guidotti and Diane McLean. Rick was a fashion photographer who was moved by the way people with genetic difference were portrayed in medical & social literature (read: dehumanised, humiliated, impersonal). He decided it was time to change and educate so began Positive Exposure.
To me, this is human rights at its best. In many countries people are killed or maimed because they "look" or "act" differently. This clearly needs to stop and I take my hat off to Rick and his team for the truly amazing, life changing work they do. He is an inspiration and I would love an opportunity to meet him and contribute in some small way to this amazing cause.