Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Generosity is the new black

A recent trend report flagged an interesting insight...that in light of the current economic climate, businesses and brand have an even bigger duty of care to show they care, to show they are genuine and generous.

For corporations & brands, giving is apparently the new black.

Messages of doom and gloom just turn people off.

An example that comes to mind is the recent work for Starlight Day (http://www.starlight.org.au/Pages/default.aspx). Brilliant brand. Amazing cause. Exceptional potential. Only challenge is that donations have been drying up (particularly corporate).

I can understand why they've taken this approach (drive urgency) but was threat-of-loss the way to go?

Their key message was:

"With limited funds, we’ll have to choose which seriously ill child deserves happiness more."


Perhaps it's driven donations (yes, charities are doing it tough at the moment) however will it damage the brand longer term? I've read other comments which seem to think it might.
It's certainly generated a lot of talk (both online and offline at the water cooler).

I believe brands need to be beacon's for optimism and confidence. I also think you can drive urgency without risking misunderstanding.

I'll be curious to see where this ends up....