In what’s being described by the retailer as a “new and immersive shopping experience,” Toys R Us has launched an iPad version of its famous Big Christmas Book catalogue. There’s a version for kids and one for adults.
Kids can browse the (non-price marked) toys and use virtual stickers to select and place the items they’d most love to receive onto a special wish list. The list can then be shared with Santa, parents and friends via channels including email and SMS. In addition, there is a dedicated section for savings and a store locator making it easy to find the best deals.
As PSFK outlined, online versions of print catalogues haven’t taken off, ‘but iPad versions, with embedded video, as well as the ability to browse whenever it’s convenient and make purchases could be the next big thing’.
Let’s face it, printed catalogues are tangible and cost effective – making them an attractive option to include in the mix. Why spend more if you don’t need to? Research also shows that the great majority of Australians continue to find value in reading printed catalogues (Sweeney Research 2009).
Despite this, one thing is for sure – the ipad will influence and re-shape consumer (and shopper) behaviour. It’s just a matter of time.
One of the key points I liked in the Toys R Us case example was that the retailer was extremely clear about who the catalogue app was designed for (“mums, dads and anyone who knows or loves a child”) and why they’d designed it (“to connect our customers to our brand in new and exciting ways”). They had mapped out a clear strategy where technology was their servant – not master. What’s more, their ipad catalogue app has helped them facilitate a different kind of brand experience – interactivity.
It’s this critical point of brand interaction where the ipad (and other tablet technology) wins-out over traditional print catalogues.
Yes, we’re still a fair way from any type of “tipping point” when it comes to converting print to i-pad catalogues. For a vast majority of brands this will provide a safe reason to ‘watch and wait’ – the “let’s see how others pave the way first” approach. And therein lies the exciting part. For savvy brands, it’s an opportunity to strategise, jump in and take the lead.
Which side will your brand take?