Monday, June 8, 2009

Way Off The Mark

Some of you may have seen the recent Chaser skit about Make A Wish.

It's been several days since the segment ran on Chaser's War on Everything however I wanted to wait until I'd seen the dust settle before commenting. In particular, I was interested to read the letters (on/offline) about the ABC's decision to run the piece which the producers & Chaser Team referred to as "satirical" and "black humour".

Having lived through the experience of watching my own son on life support along with other children and parents who've been faced with equally (or worse) experiences, I have to say, I've found it pretty hard to understand why The Chaser team thought this subject could ever be appropriate.

It's not remotely comedic to parody children who are undergoing extremely painful, traumatic treatment for potentially life-threatening health challenges.

Assuming The Chaser's team have never set foot in a kids' hospital nor known anyone who has.....perhaps they should check one out.

Even the most insensitive twat would have to agree that there are subjects which should be no-go. Creating a parody about kids who are ill and/ or dying is one of those.

I am truly disappointed by The Chaser.....I think they've really overstepped the mark. And it's not me who thinks this - only last night was the topic raised whilst out with friends....all of them (independently of my opinion) felt that the segement was in extremely poor certainly wasn't funny.

I truly hope The Chaser hit the drawing board and start working again on ideas which entertain rather than offend.