Absolutely amazing couple of days jam-packed with store visits to Soho, mid- town and Up-town. We have attended presentations from a wide range of sources including Google Retail and Bloomingdales.
Truly inspiring - from the big end of town to smaller boutiques - there's a story in every store you visit.
Here are a few snapshots of ideas I've loved:
Disney - for making their store into an immersive and media rich brand space:

Apple in Grand Central station - for incredible use of space and design:

Clinique for awesome use of technology that delivers customers with the solutions they're looking for:

Duane Read for their concept store where they're implementing Google Wallet and Hologram technology under one roof:

Eataly for their creation of a truly impressive and unique eating and fresh food space:

Just a small sample of what I have seen.
Retail in NYC is big in both its ideas and application. Superb VM and store-as-story space. Heaps of digital integration - its all about delivering value through a seamless customer experience.
Heading to London tomorrow. Will update more from there!
Posted from my iPhone
Location:New York