I saw the documentary "The September Issue" about a week ago, and I gotta' say, I loved it. I thought it was a fascinating insight into an industry that cops a lot of flak (some deserved, some not so deserving).
What struck me most about this film was the creativity that ran through the veins of the people who worked at Vogue in New York. A somewhat obvious deduction you might agree however I guess coming from a background in advertising, it was only natural for me to make comparisons.
I really thought Grace Coddington - the CD of Vogue - was the stand out. Whilst I was truly curious about Anna Wintour ('she of the dark glasses' fame) I thought Grace stole the show. Her passion, talent and creativity was inspiring. Grace's ability to take an idea and bring it life (see the "twenties" shoot in the movie for my favourite example of this...or the "jumping camera guy" in the colour block shoot)...) was fantastic. She is a woman whose whole career has rested on an ability to "think different" and see the potential where others have missed it. Originality is her calling card.