Every morning I drive to work. And nearly every morning I travel behind a bus with a huge ad for pepsi max on the back. Admittedly I can't remember the exact words but I know how it makes me feel. Positive. Optimistic. Energised. Now, being the cynical marketer that I am, I have to admit that this reaction surprised me. But it's a reaction I have continued to have over consecutive viewings which makes me think that it's (gasp!) likely that I actually really like and engage with the message.
It got me curious so I started to wonder....in the current economic climate is there more of a role for brands to take the lead and champion hope, positivity and optimism? I think yes. Obviously any strategy needs to align with the values and objectives for the brand but (as recent charity advertising previously mentioned on my blog may have found out) the current doom & gloom is not the time to reinforce hopelessness or helplessness.
Above are some other examples (local & international) which I think point to the "optimism" trend. Obviously taken to fuller or lesser degrees but certainly all operating from a territory that reinforces positivity, can-do and glass-half-full. Again, another special mention to Pepsi.... loved what they did during the Obama election. Couldn't care less if they were riding on his coat-tails. I love the work (example above) and think it bloody works a treat.